This is recommended as a UNISEX scent!! Notes of "musk", sandalwood, and amber, mixed with sweet almond oil. (We do NOT use real musk, as it comes from animals and we use no animals products. Lakshmi gets its musky scent from a blend of oils, such as patchouli, amber, frankincense, etc). Contains no alcohol or water. The compact 1/3 oz. bottle with roll-on applicator makes it easy to take anywhere.
Handmade in NYC. 100% Organic. Vegan. Not tested on animals.
LAKSHMI is the Goddess of Abundance. She is personified as the goddess of fortune and wealth, and as an embodiment of loveliness, grace and charm. She grants worldly prosperity, as well as liberation from the cycle of life and death. Wear the scent of Lakshmi. Spicy, sultry, and hot, Lakshmi is an earthy musky-based fragrance (we do NOT use real musk, as it is derived from animals, and we use no animal products, nor test anything on animals. Lakshmi's musky scent comes from a blend of oils, such as patchouli, amber, frankincense, etc).
Is your body out of balance? Often everyday factors such as stress, injury, emotional trauma, or a poor diet can cause our bodies to be out of balance. Symptoms include mild pain or discomfort. The Lakshmi fragrance contains Amber which is traditionally used to help you breathe as well as restore harmony and balance to the body and mind.
Goddess Line
Provide Trusted Brand Name Massage, Spa & Salon Products At Better Than Direct Pricing.
Tables (Portable, Lift, Stationary), Chairs, Stools & Carts, Hot Towel Cabi's & Lotion Warmers, Oil, Lotion, Cream, Gel, Essential Oils, Disposables, Sheets, Face Cradle Covers, Robes & Slippers, Bolsters & Body Cushions, Books, Study Guides, Continuing Education, And So Much More.
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Unit 3
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